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Showing posts from April, 2013

What's going on with life now!

So you might think I have it all going for me now... yeah that's not the deal see I haven't been able to go back to physical therapy or occupational therapy nor have I been able to go back to the gym. I'm on more medication then I have ever been. My cardio has given me release to go back and do all those things, but I've got obstacles after obstacles to go through. First they cardio doc wanted all my doctor's to give me the OK to go back. So second my neuro doc gave me the OK to go back to pt and ot, because I was stiffer then I was before. She continued my IVIG but keeps pushing chemo, although I don't want it I rather stay on IVIG a lot less side effects not to mention I think I'm doing pretty darn good on it. Then came my PCP she was like right away all chilled back yup go back to pt, and I was till I had an episode... My new episodes which we all like to call Vanessa falling in to a COMA! Yeah that's right I fall into such a deep sleep it's c...