My mom calls my neuro doc. and right away they see us. She is amazed at the fact that she wasn't called because if it was for her I should have stayed there. She ran blood work and gave me a steroid boost. Since I had just had my IVIG a week prior. Afterward she said she wanted to see me the following week and begin pt right away.
Following week, I started school and didn't know what to do. I emailed all my teachers who were some what understanding. Yeah NO! To let them know the situations that was going on. Since most of my classes where online I didn't have much to worry about except my A&P class, but at least he was the one and only teacher that understood.
So the week started and so did pt evaluations, more doctor's appt. and extra treatments. AGH I was starting to go even more crazy then I already was! jk. My neuro started me on a new medication called Keppra that's suppose to be for seizure but seems to work for spasms as well. Did good for a while. My mom and I began a routine of setting up appt. only Mondays and Tuesday that way I could make it to at least one class during the week. Which worked out with pt, doc. appt. and everything else we had to do.
Then it came time for my monthly appt. with my neuro and finally it came time
when both her and my primary doc said the only way I can get better and not worst is to go to the Mayo Clinic, because they were not seeing any improvement but more set backs. Again we just didn't know what to do. Here we thought these doctor were getting me better, but all they was trying to figure out the next move. That same day we left the office they set us up with an appt. to go up to Rochester, Minnesota, which as of right now is June 14, 2010. There were sooner ones but looking at it right I might miss my brothers senior prom and graduations so we played it safe and took a later time. Even if that meant what it meant.
Every time I see Dr. Gazda she asked why don't you leave sooner and all I can say is I've got other things to settle first and I would never forgive myself if I didn't get to see my brother walk down to get his diploma.
SO if you asking what's next for me:
Following week, I started school and didn't know what to do. I emailed all my teachers who were some what understanding. Yeah NO! To let them know the situations that was going on. Since most of my classes where online I didn't have much to worry about except my A&P class, but at least he was the one and only teacher that understood.
So the week started and so did pt evaluations, more doctor's appt. and extra treatments. AGH I was starting to go even more crazy then I already was! jk. My neuro started me on a new medication called Keppra that's suppose to be for seizure but seems to work for spasms as well. Did good for a while. My mom and I began a routine of setting up appt. only Mondays and Tuesday that way I could make it to at least one class during the week. Which worked out with pt, doc. appt. and everything else we had to do.
Then it came time for my monthly appt. with my neuro and finally it came time

Every time I see Dr. Gazda she asked why don't you leave sooner and all I can say is I've got other things to settle first and I would never forgive myself if I didn't get to see my brother walk down to get his diploma.
SO if you asking what's next for me:
- find a way to get over there... (money wise)
- watch my little brother take his girlfriend to prom....TWICE(since they go to different schools)
- then watch him graduate!
- THEN get my butt to the Mayo Clinic to get better!
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