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Back to school check up or so I thought!

I started to get ready for school, which meant having to see all my Docs. before school starts to make sure I have the OK!

PCP was first...
Everything looked good heart rate a little high, but she said nothing to worry about.
Endocrinologist was second...
Blood work came out so so... sugar where getting better, but not great!

Allergist came in third...
Lung where OK she wanted to start me a new medication called Zolar for my allergies and to improve my lung function. Exam when OK just with my heart rate going crazy again! She took a note of it and sent it to my PCP.

Then Last came my neuro...
Spasms were OK kinda... medication was starting to work better so she gave me the all clear!

Finally got registered for school and got ready for a long semester... Who would have though long would be the understatement of the year. Once school started I had the regular mumbo jumbo about me being and getting sick which got straighten out with one phone or letter cant remember from my PCP. Classes started and everything was going great teacher were fine with me missing to go get my treatments and stuff in San Antonio there was not problems. That was till I went for my follow up with my allergist. She notice again that my heart rate was really high this time she said she was going to call my PCP and see what else can be done to check this problem out.

As that was getting resolved another problem came up and this time with my sugars. I would be fine one second then the next I would be on floor sweating, not being able to breath, or even move from my blood sugar levels being so low. My mom would check my sugar and it would be in the 40s sometimes 30s. She started to freak out I mean I was too, but me freaking out would mean using energy I didn't have since I was using it all when my sugar would drop. Finally my mom got a hold of my PCP at 3 in the morning (I swear I wonder sometimes if she wants to kill me from all the times my mom calls in the middle of the night) She tells my mom to feed me protein... OK yeah I'll eat a taco, but when it dropped again two hours later I couldn't eat another taco. Nor could I eat the four other times it dropped with two to three hour intervals. For three days it was a never ending roller coaster I could get off. Till finally it just stop, the same way it started out of no where.

This time doctors where going crazy trying to figure out what was going on... Why this was happening. Everyone wanted to give there input. My PCP thought I mixed up my medication by accident and took my hyperglycemia pill when I should have. While my allergist thought I had and insulin-noma that was causing my sugars to go crazy. Then the endocrinologist just though my body was weird and just acting up... which sadly I believed the most, because I knew for a fact I didn't mess up my medication I can tell which medication I'm taking. Second the test came out inconclusive with the whole insulin-noma thing. And Lastly the endocrinologist is the blood specialist she should know whats going on with my sugar don't you think?

Finally once that settled down EVERYONE started taking notice of my elevated heart rate. Both my allergist and PCP decided it was time to see a cardio doc. I finally set an appt. and saw someone with a week or so. She mention how sometimes with young people our heart rate can go fast all of sudden, but mention how sometime it depends from what side of the heart its coming from to see what going on. Which the only way to find out would be to wear a halter monitor that would check my heart rate for two days. She wrote the order and sent me off to pick up the monitor. It was placed and was told to return it in two days once the doctor received the reading I would get a call to see whats next.

With in one week of returning the monitor I get a call from the doctor office asking me to set up an appt. with another specialist heart doctor that took care of the electrical aspects of the heart. I was like OK set it up when ever you can. They insisted we did it soon so we did once we got there the nurse put some leads on my chest and they monitor my heart for about ten min. Once the report was done the doctor steps in and he begins to talk to us about some abnormalities that showed up in the test. He explained that my heart rate was usually at a stead 135 - 140ish which normal is anything ranging from 70 - 80ish I think, and as my day went on when I stood up was out side, watching tv, or just basically doing anything my heart rate would jump to the 150 - 180s. Which was crazy! Second problem was that my heart was skipping beats I asked him,"how can you tell if my heart rate is going that fast," he just laughed and said I know. Once he was done explain the problems he explained the solutions. He could give me medication to try to control the fast rate, but there was a chance that wouldn't work. AND a huge possibility that it would make my asthma worst. SOOOOO that was out of the picture. Then the second and only other option... have a procedure called cardiac ablations they would go threw a vain in my leg and see if there was something they could fix like that. If they could they would go threw the other leg and fix it there. That option sounded scary, but it was the only one we could go with. We set the date January 5, 2010 dang doctor wanted to do Christmas eve I was like no thank you I've spent my share of days in the hospital during Christmas and this year wasn't going to be one.

The day finally came everyone was there my mom, my dad, Victor(he totally missed school), and my grandmother. Doctor came wheeled me in and said you'll be waking up with this huge mask over your face to help you breath so we won't have to keep you on the breathing tube for very long. I said ok, my see you later to everyone and there we went. Little did I know that when I woke up I wouldn't be allowed to move my legs for four hours. Anyone how has Stiff Person Syndrome or knows of someone who does when the shakes come they come and don't stop it kinda looks like your have a seizure but your not and those spasms can just come out of know where. AND oh did they come! Even before I woke up my doctor said they had to strap me down so I wouldn't bleed out since they cut the artery veins. The pain was horrible, but once they finally allowed me to move freely I couldn't the pain was so bad, my legs where so stiff, and when they weren't they would be spasming out. Nurses didn't know what to do I told my mom I'd be fine she could go home, but she didn't want to leave my side finally the nurse promise to make sure she could keep me as comfortable as possible my mom felt more at ease. That whole night the nurse stayed by my side and never left, when a spasms would start to come she would rub and rub my legs and arms to try to keep them warm, because she read up that night that if you are having a spasms warmth can help them settle faster. She sure studied up on SPS that was the best nurse ever.

Finally the next day came cardio. doc. said I was fine to go home since he part was done, but couldn't do much about the other problems. He's best bet was to go straight to my Doctor office and see what she could do, and that's what we did. I couldn't walk though and my wheelchair was in Houston, because my mom lent it to my grandmother not knowing this was going to happen. Thank God for having a 6ft 1in brother who could carry me around because with out him we would be screwed both way if you don't mind me adding.


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